Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spanish people don't sleep


6:58 AM

Spanish people DON”T SLEEP.

I am awakened fully by the clapping. At approximately 6:45, my roommate gets up to use the bathroom. She is also having trouble sleeping in this strange place, as am I, but this is normal I think. But not long after being awakened my ears are accosted by the sounds of singing. Loud singing, clapping, excited cries. We are on floor eight, and these people are in the street, so you would think that there would be less noise. However, this is a place where it doesn’t actually get cold. Because of this, there is no insulation on the windows, not even what there would be at home. Therefore, we can hear many sounds from outside filtering into our abode.

It is 7 AM. Please keep in mind that my roommate and I spent the past day walking the streets. I have many blisters, which was slightly expected. We will also spend the whole of today walking, searching through the many specialized stores. There is a long list of different types of stores here, including: carneria, paneria, perfumeria, supermercado, centro commercial, ferreria, farmacia, drogeria. These are just the ones I’ve seen and been able to note. Each one sells a different and possibly somewhat overlapping array of products. Mirais thinks, in her delirium, that the people outside have just gotten up. She wonders why, on a Saturday, someone would subject themselves to such a thing. I correct her.

They didn’t just get up. They haven’t gone to bed yet.

This is Triana (my barrio) and in Triana, the people DON”T SLEEP. They party away the night. I don’t know how they recover from a twenty-four hour dance-and-drink-a-thon, but they apparently do.

On the other hand, my host mother, Mercedes, es genial. She is a tiny woman, married twice, with three grown sons, who apparently visit fairly often. One of them is expecting a baby. Last night, his wife/girlfriend (I’m not entirely sure which, my Spanish is still not 100%) and he came over for tapas at 9. This meant that we didn’t get dinner until around 10:30, but it was an interesting experience. Kind of Twilight Zone-ish for me, because I had to do a double-take when they asked me if I wanted beer and remind myself that I am actually legal here.

Spanish people also talk very fast. I tried to understand my host family when they spoke, but my mind doesn’t work through the language that fast yet. I could only catch a couple things, mostly when they would talk of a subject I already understood. I keep forgetting that no one here can actually speak English, or at least not extensively. It is the first time in my life being somewhere where that is true.

On the other hand, my Spanish is getting a lot better. Starting on Monday, we will no longer be allowed to use English at all, even among one another. Before that, Larielle and I plan to wander the city, so there will be some amazing pictures on FB to augment my somewhat bland assortment from my first few days. Exciting, yes?


On the other hand, today has been pretty good. I finally was reunited with Carly, who is the love of my life (I know, I have so many). I also discovered that I need to find a place that sells protein bars or peanut butter or else I'm going to have a migraine/pass out every single day (not so good, but at least worth knowing now), and have decided that Spain might be kinda nice. Growing on me? Maybe a little. Any country that is as screwed as this one is right now (yes the recession's here too, and its kinda horrible) where people still sing at the top of their lungs at midnight (or for that matter seven in the morning) is probably a place that at least gives rise to an enormous force of spirit that is worth imbibing at least once.

On that note, I'm going to go shower. I'll let you know my class schedule as soon as I do.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reporting in...from McDonald's?

McDonald's is everywhere.

And in Seville, McDonald's has WiFi. Which is very important to me at the moment, since it's almost free.

Well, where to begin. I don't have much time since I only have a thirty minute card and I really don't feel like buying anything else and supporting the McDonaldization of the world, no matter how convenient WiFi is. I am in Spain, which is surreal. I'm jet-lagged a bit, but not as bad as I could be, since I have become a master at randomly catching naps. And I'm debating on the wisdom of travelling across the water with the goal of remaining a vegetarian. My roommate, Mirais, is a pescatarian, so I'm not a hundred percent sure what's going to happen there. I'm a little frustrated with the situation, but I haven't met my host mother yet, so I don't know what might happen. Maybe she's actually a real vegetarian and will make me all sorts of yummy meals. And maybe I am a spoiled child and should at least suck it up for now and grow a taste for fish. Who knows?

So far, Spain is vivacious. The people are loud enough to make Americans look introverted, and they speak so fast that I can't understand them most of the time. It's probably partially a result of the jet-lag, but I am finding it very difficult to communicate.

The cutest little girl just wandered up to me and I am officially making that coo-ey girl noise. Interiorly.

Also, the predominate colors in the Spanish wardrobe seem to be black, red and white or shades thereof. I'm afraid my companions and I stick out in so many ways it is a little ridiculous. It will be interesting to see how this goes.

I'll update you soon. The transition promises to be rough, but at least the flight was lovely. I love seeing clouds from above.

Over and out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tomorrow's the day

So my bags are packed. Which doesn't mean that I don't still have like ten things to do but I'm sparing this tiny moment to freak out a little bit. At first, I was just worried about the plane ride, and getting to Spain at all, but now that I've done everything I can do to make sure that happens...I'm more than a little freaked out about the fact that in twenty-four hours I will be on foreign soil. And not just that, but I won't be able to come back. For quite a while.

This is actually the first time I will be away from home for longer than a month. I'm excited for the learning experience. Sevilla is gorgeous, by all accounts, and there are so many exciting and new things that I will get to see! And when I think about those things I don't worry about it so much. But I'm still going to miss my family and friends more than I can imagine right now, and I feel bad for leaving them. Especially Catherine, since it's her last semester, and I won't be here to share it with her.

Still, this is what I wanted to do. I always said that I wanted to see the world. As much of it as I could anyway. This is just the first step.

On a less emo note, my roommate seems really nice. I haven't met her yet, obs, but she is from New Orleans and goes to school in NJ. She's really excited about the immersion process, but that's about all I know about her at the moment. There hasn't been enough time to really trade emails. I hope she's a vegetarian or vegan so that our host mother doesn't flip out about cooking or something. I would think they would put me with another vegetarian, since that was probs the most difficult part of housing me. We'll see!

All in all, it promises to be an adventure. I'll talk to you again from Sevilla!

Saturday, January 24, 2009


I haven't left yet. But this is the link to the magical map that I created!

So you can follow my travels if you need to ^_^

Friday, January 23, 2009

So I'm almost moved out

Hi all. I started this blog to tell of my adventures in Spain! Which I will be leaving for on Wednesday, Jan 28. Currently I am watching Meghan make my other bed in my halfway-empty-but-not-as-empty-as-it-needs-to-be room, and she is exclaiming over my fuzzy blanket haha.

Obs my life is amazing ^_~

Tonight has been pretty freakin sweet, and even though I'm pretty sad that I'm leaving Meghan and Catherine and the Fam, not to mention all of the other people in my life who I probs won't get to see between now and May (if I'm going to miss you, you know who you are xoxo) I have read the signs of the universe. After being attacked by a crazy person, I have decided that the universe is sending me signals that Spain is where I need to be. And since I'm all about those signals, off I'm going to explore this tiny moment we call Earth.

Okay, well Meghan is currently well tucked in and I'm exhausted from my awesome day so I'm going to hit the sack, as they say. I promise this will get far more interesting, with pics, so stick around, if you're down that is.
