Thursday, January 29, 2009

Reporting in...from McDonald's?

McDonald's is everywhere.

And in Seville, McDonald's has WiFi. Which is very important to me at the moment, since it's almost free.

Well, where to begin. I don't have much time since I only have a thirty minute card and I really don't feel like buying anything else and supporting the McDonaldization of the world, no matter how convenient WiFi is. I am in Spain, which is surreal. I'm jet-lagged a bit, but not as bad as I could be, since I have become a master at randomly catching naps. And I'm debating on the wisdom of travelling across the water with the goal of remaining a vegetarian. My roommate, Mirais, is a pescatarian, so I'm not a hundred percent sure what's going to happen there. I'm a little frustrated with the situation, but I haven't met my host mother yet, so I don't know what might happen. Maybe she's actually a real vegetarian and will make me all sorts of yummy meals. And maybe I am a spoiled child and should at least suck it up for now and grow a taste for fish. Who knows?

So far, Spain is vivacious. The people are loud enough to make Americans look introverted, and they speak so fast that I can't understand them most of the time. It's probably partially a result of the jet-lag, but I am finding it very difficult to communicate.

The cutest little girl just wandered up to me and I am officially making that coo-ey girl noise. Interiorly.

Also, the predominate colors in the Spanish wardrobe seem to be black, red and white or shades thereof. I'm afraid my companions and I stick out in so many ways it is a little ridiculous. It will be interesting to see how this goes.

I'll update you soon. The transition promises to be rough, but at least the flight was lovely. I love seeing clouds from above.

Over and out.

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