Saturday, April 11, 2009

Last blog was kinda horrendous I'll do my best to make this one decent.

In McDonald's again, which definitely saps my concentration. I broke my headphones and there is so much ambient noise that it is hard to remember what I'm doing from one second to the next.

I realized that at some point I actually started to like it here. There are things I would change. I hate having a roommate, but I knew that. Not that my roommate is bad, we live together decently, but I am not a roommate person. Housemate yes.. Roommate no. And also my roommate really seems to dislike most aspects of Spanish life and that gets real depressing real fast. I also would, I think, have liked to try a different program, one that was more involved with actual Spanish people as opposed to mostly with Americans. I don't feel like this has been immersion at all. More like sticking my feet in the water. And that makes me inclined to see what I can get if I were to actually go all the way and throw myself into something. Maybe it was just being here without any of the ties to my old life for almost a week that made me more able to adapt. It's always harder to be two people, after all. I can't be the American and the person living in Spain if I've never had a chance to be a person living in Spain. And for a short time I had that chance, and honestly it was not the most horrible thing I've done by any means.

Being here has raised a lot of questions in my life, things that I think will firm up more as I make the transition back to the States. But the seeds are certainly planted, and I'm excited to see what grows now. Though I can't express anything that I'm feeling at this point completely, because I don't want to shatter it. Once I start analyzing it too much, I'm afraid that it will leave me.

Well, I'll report back on Monday.


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