Sunday, April 26, 2009

Layin in bed all day

Sometimes, you need a day to not talk to anyone, not see anything, not do anything besides lay in bed. Today was that day. I took a shower because I was gross from my trip, but other than that I laid in bed.

Yesterday was amazing. Barcelona is gorgeous, and I took so many pictures that I don't know what to do. I saw Casa Batllo, the outside of la Pedrera, Plaza Catalanya, Plaza de Espanya, some random giant castles, the huge Barcelona port system, their World Trade Center, rode one of those cable car things that go through the air and tried sake. I guess I did a lot of things, but it doesn't really feel like it. There was so much left to see. I barely scraped the surface.

Oh well. That just means I have an excuse to take someone with me next time.

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