Wednesday, April 1, 2009

It's April : )

First, to answer the questions to the last post, the book is going fine except that I keep thinking of stuff to add to it. But my personal goal is to have a draft to let people read/edit by August. So I have some time.


It's April. And I am really happy about that.

I am going to miss parts of Sevilla. I'm going to miss how even though I've been walking back and forth to school every day I still manage to find new things to see or new paths to take. That's just cool. I like to be able to wander in a random direction and find pretty things.

And I am going to miss the bars too, and how you can just walk in off the street and start up a conversation and no one is too put out by it. And how they write their tabs with chalk on the bar. How they don't need music because everyone talks so much that there's no way you'd hear it anyways. How they always have Cruzcampo on tap at coffee shops, and pig legs hanging off the walls and smoke everywhere.

And to some extent, I'll even miss this merciless blue sky without clouds, and how when I walk down the street everyone stares at me and how I can't walk through the center without someone stopping me to ask me to go for a drink or for directions (awkward yes, but that's life for someone who doesn't have black hair, dark eyes, and godlike fashion sense).

And flamenco in the streets of course, and coming home at 6 in the morning when the birds are singing.

Not that these are things that I experience every day, or I might really love it here. Or hate it too. There are some days which are, well, for lack of a better word, normal - though Sevilla's normal is still life in another place, far away from anything I knew before. Not that that's not what I'm kinda expecting for the rest of my life as well.

Sometimes I worry about how it will be to go home. I worry that I'll have forgotten how to act. I'm certainly ruder here than I was at home, and there are a lot of things that I can do here that I can't there, and that I can't do here that I could at home. It is unavoidable that I will be changed. But my roommate seems to think it will be like riding a bike. I think that's probably true too. You can always go home. It's the one place you can never get lost from.

April is going to carry me closer than ever.


  1. 1. I can't wait to read your book.

    2. you blog is still called "Going to Spain" but you're there!

    3. I just now realized i can become a "follower" of your blog w/out having a blog myself!

