Monday, March 30, 2009

Why are there so many Christs?

This is the slightly blasphemous question that I am forced to continually ask myself as I study frantically for my art history exam. Why in the world???? Cristo de la Clemencia, Cristo atado a la columna, Cristo de la buena muerte, Cristo del amor....the list goes on. I mean, Jesus, you only need one right?

Wrong. Apparently.

Went out this weekend with a friend I've made here whose name is Tracy. We were out for a good nine hours, didn't come back in until 6 in the morning. It was awesome, I danced for like ever. I haven't danced for...well for a long time. The rest of the weekend I staid in and worked on my book. I feel like one 9 hour night was a good contribution to my life experience, and therefore chillin in the casa was definitely a needed recovery time.

I've also made an important life discovery. I miss breakfast. Real breakfast, not toast. I never really liked toast in the first place. Why would you intentionally eat toast for breakfast? I mean....breakfast is the best meal of the day, generally. It is cruel and unusual to cut down to two burned pieces of bread and some jam. Not that toast isn't a valid contribution to breakfast (with other things) but I have this vague feeling that by the time I leave here I am going to be rather fed up with toast. In the most unliteral sense of the word.

Meg's mom is here. It actually makes me kinda sad. But that's okay, cuz yesterday I talked to Catherine and Meghan and Cyncyn at the SAME TIME! It was awesome. I miss them. And I also got to talk to Mom and Dad and Jacob, of course. It was a really good day.


  1. Uh clearly talking with us was awesome! I miss you sooooo much! I'm glad you're still working on your book, how's it coming??
    I feel like what you're saying is that a trip to ihop is in order when you return? yes? good.

    loves, stars, kisses, puppies, all good things

  2. I too am really glad you are still working on your book!!!!!! I want to be a "taken care" of old woman, by my rich and famous author daughter!
