Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Jewel sings a good song about this feeling

Today is kinda a bad day. I am fighting against having bad days, but today is a bad day.

That doesn't mean that anything bad is happening. Far from it. I started my job yesterday, which was sweet, though I'm going to have to be much stricter with the kids or I'm going to get fired lol. My intercambio and I went out to dinner, he took me to this little tiny italian place with amazing pizza. It reminded me of the type of pizza Dad likes. Which is the problem.

I can't stop thinking about going home.

I'm going to Granada this weekend so that should help. A change of scenery certainly can't hurt anyway. But I am homesick beyond belief, and, though I know that I can work through it, it's been a while since I've felt this bad of a desire to just go home. Months. Not here certainly. And it is more than frustrating. I know that it's not that long from now that I'll be leaving here, and it is all I can do not to count down the days. Though honestly that might help.

But yeah, Granada. I'm really excited to see the Alhambra, it is one of the only surviving mosques in Spain and it is - by all accounts except roomie's, who doesn't like anything Moorish really (she really did come to the wrong region to hate Moorish things so much) - amazing. So I am excited. I have to buy batteries for my camera before I go so that I can put up pics on FB. No doubt you have noticed the decided lack of pictures posted recently. That's because I'm cheap lol.

Anyways, I'll let you know how that goes. I'm really excited for this weekend. It should be pretty amazing.

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