Wednesday, March 25, 2009

wandering around town

Last night my intercambio and I wandered Triana and found this sweet Moroccan hookah bar. I'm really psyched by it. I'm going back tomorrow night hopefully, so that's good. There are teapots here that I want to take home, they're really awesome and I think they'll survive the journey since theyre metal, and I could possibly put the cups in my carryon....


I had a dream last night about going to Japan. I don't know what to do about that. I don't know that I would like living so far away for a year, but facing facts I have to accept that I am going to have to move beyond casual visiting range of the familia sooner than later. I just don't know where that's going to be. In some ways, this semester has been good practice for that. Probably in a lot of ways actually. But it has made me question a lot of things that I was already questioning in the first place, and I don't know what the answers are. I would like to do something really amazing, something that made me happy. But I haven't the faintest of what that would be. I'm fumbling about in the dark.

I think I just need to take it on faith. Some people don't get to fall in love with what they do. It's possible that I'm too rational. So I should just take it on faith that what happens to me is what is supposed to happen. The world isn't about accidents. I don't know what that says about our world, about this world that we've made for ourselves, but I do know that accidents don't happen. I've seen nothing in this life that makes me think that they exist. So obviously, this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Because there is something to learn from everything that we experience.

Now I'm going to go listen to 3OH!3 and translate poetry. Because that's kinda how I work.

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