Monday, March 9, 2009

weekend adventures and the plot

So the flamenco bar was amazing. There was this amazing flautist who was jazzin it up flamenco style and the place was like an old fashioned tavern. No cover charge to, though it was hard to hear the flamenco music if people talked. But it taught me something interesting about the culture of Spain. You see, there are catcalls built into flamenco songs. Flamenco being one of the central tenets of Spanish life, this means that catcalls are normal. Which means that when I get hit on or yelled at everywhere I go....that's socially acceptable. Though my coloring doesn't help haha.

After Meg and Ariel and I went to this place called Lobo Bar, where we discovered that its also apparently acceptable to watch porn in bars. After seeing the kids/adults/everyone making out in the street (I'm thinking about making a documentary on it, just to explain to you exactly what I mean) I'm not really surprised. Needless to say, we didn't hang out there long.

I also started running this weekend (though I failed this morning, which I'm kinda grateful for since my muscles needed healing time). And it has been really nice. I feel tons better, and I have way more energy, when I go running during the day. I think I'm going to find and exercise mat so that I can start doing real Yoga and situps and pushups too, since doing those on hardwood floors is kinda painful. I need to do real Yoga so that my body doesn't hurt as much, and I need to do situps and pushups so that my body hurts equally haha.

Oh, and I had chocolate and churros, finally! Even though it's pretty much too warm for them now, not that you could tell the Spanish people that, running around in their winter coats when its eighty. I'm terrified of two weeks from now, btw. It feels kinda like the beginnings of high summer here. But chocolate and churros were sweet, they remind me of a good funnel cake covered in chocolate syrup.

And I wrote a poem.

Now the plot. I'm going to MAKE my professor teach us things through sheer force of nerdliness. And I'm going to use aljazeera to do it.

Take that jerk.

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