Monday, March 2, 2009

back to the week

So I went to Carmona this weekend, which was adorable. My new weekend activity is officially going to be to get out of this bloody cityscape and hike around tiny towns with Roman ruins. Which is something interesting to note.

Spain is basically built over the ancient Roman empire, which isn't something i greatly realized up until coming here. Sevilla was said to have been founded by Hercules, and Julius Caesar himself granted the city the rights of citizenship to the Roman empire (as opposed to basically being glorified slaves of the empire with no legal status). Both men are depicted in the artwork of the Ayuntamiento (the building which houses the local government), which is a fun fact I learned in my art history class, and are considered the fathers of the city in a way. Yay places with abjectly staggering amounts of history. I don't know what to do about it really.

Still, I prefer going to the countryside and seeing the ruins. As I was explaining to Meg on Saturday, it's amazing that there's still enough of a shape to these places that you can actually tell what they are, much less rebuild them. 2000 years ago, someone laid all the stones to the Bridge of Five Eyes by hand. There was a river or large creek there, which is gone now, though you can see the tracks it left in the land. Now only the bridge is left, though all those who built it are dead and the world has more or less forgotten their names.


The Spanish have a saying that goes "al mal tiempo, buena cara". My response to that is: screw your buena cara my umbrella is broken. Again.

Sevilla strikes again.

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