Friday, February 27, 2009

Amazing night, funny story

So last night I went to the Orchestra here in Sevilla. It was phenomenal! They played Beethoven's Fifth, and a composition I hadn't heard before called Don Juan, and also a composition by the conductor but I din't really like that one. Don Juan was amazing, if anyone reading this is into orchestral compositions I strongly suggest you listen to this piece if you haven't already. I freakin love classical music.

Then we went to this cute little bar that played sweet ass oldies rock, which I plan on going back to at some point. I didn't get anything because I'm broke for the week (budgeting is def something you have to do here, there are kids here who've already blown close to two thousand and it's been all of a month) but I def want to go back at some point and sing rock songs in the back (yes I sing obnoxiously in bars kiss my foot).

Before we went to the orchestra roomie and I went to this amazing cafe called Mama Terra. Def an American place, but it has all sorts of vegetarian stuff to eat and I'm way excited about it. And sweeeeet milkshakes. It is very amazing.

So on to the funny story.

At the end of the night I wanted a night to sleep. I had had a good time and my greatest desire in the mundo was to sleep for like twelve hours straight and be a bum since I don't have class today. So I went to sleep and Roomie went out to do her thing. I was awakened at four am by drunk roomie. She came in, I think woke up my host mother because the radio she sleeps with was blasting by the time I woke up and contributed to my wakefulness. Since the curtains were open, my roommate shut them violently, and then began munching on cereal loudly below my head (top bunk). I made some noise or something and so she started attempting to munch quietly, which was better but still loud. After a minute or so of this I said something to the effect of "Mirais, I know you're down there eating, I can still hear you, go to the bathroom if you wanna eat cheetohs or whatever it is you have". At which point she froze. I thought of a rabbit. A rabbit eating in the field that thinks you can't see it because it isn't moving. So I said, "Mirais, I'm awake. I'm still gonna be awake. You can't wake me up now." To which there was no reply. Complete rabbit. So I lay there for a while, and she lay there for a while, and eventually I got up to go to the bathroom because I was up anyway and the radio was loud. When I got out of bed, I discovered that my roommate had been so drunk that while she was waiting for me to go back to sleep to continue eating, she had passed out covered in cereal. I left her there. It was amusing. I then covered my head with a pillow and went to sleep.

Of course, in the morning she remembered none of it, and I thought that was even funnier. Oh drunken roomies.

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