Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Fixing my comp/una nueva aventura

My computer is rota, so I'm trying desperately to fix it. Hopefully I'll have reached some form of progress shortly, since i need to leave to get lunch.

So today there is this huge soccer game here, which I didn't know until Monday. Which is unfortunate, cuz its between England and Spain and I kinda wanted to go. So roomie and I decided to take the bus, but we didn't know much about the bus so we missed the first one that came through because we asked the bus driver if the bus went to the stadium, he told us no (liar) so we thought we were at the wrong stop. But after a few moments we realized that he was wrong and got on the right bus. Only to be yelled at by this old woman who spoke very rapidly in Spanish about how we weren't supposed to cut in line to get on the bus. As soon as I figured out what the hell was going on, I found myself forced to ask myself, there was a line for the bus?

Enter the American South's idea of what is rude. Namely, this woman. Waiving and shouting at waiters. Giving people casual commands who you've never met before. Namely, Spanish every day life.

Of course, there are also things we do that I'm sure they think are rude. But it's still a very depressing experience when people look at you funny when you say "could I have" instead of "give me" when you're ordering coffee.

Moving on, after reaching the stadium we discovered three important facts. 1) the tickets were sold out (le tear). 2) the english team was arriving at the stadium in a mercedes-benz bus and 3) there is an outdoor ice rink (in sevilla, where it never gets below zero) in their version of a mall in Nervion, which is next to the stadium.

Now, fun cultural anecdote. In Sevilla, shopping centers are localized around an outdoor courtyard, and escalators are on the outside of buildings.

Have I blown your mind? Join the club.

1 comment:

  1. silly spaniards with their outdoor escalators and ice rinks and sold out soccer games ((that really is tragic-- that game would have been RIDICULOUS!!))...
