Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I need to do crunches

So I eat like a whole baguette a day here. And even though I also walk at least six miles a day, I need to do crunches. That's just fact. On the other hand my shoes are starting to shred so I am probs gonna have to buy new ones soon lol. Shoes I mean. Life in Europe is random. Also, I don't get honked at as much anymore!! I think it's because people are used to seeing me around the barrio so they've stopped shouting at the extranjera. Or maybe it's just cuz it's not the weekend and everyone is going to work/class. Actually it's probs the latter. How depressing.

I am excited for spring. And siesta. Btw they let the dogs roam around here. They don't have rabies in Europe, doncha kno. It is muy interesante. People train their dogs to walk with them and don't have to have leashes. I've seen like two dogs on leashes like the whole time I've been here. Which is really interesting. When their owners stop they sit still like statues and wait for them to finish talking to their friends. Super dogs. Muy inteligente.

Also, Spain is ridiculously economically fail right now. Something like 6,414 more people unemployed every day. That is a fudgeton of people. It's really distressing. The government is trying to feed everyone, but I still see homeless people everywhere and it's very upsetting for me. It's affected every aspect of their lives, from employment to the electric bill (my host mom's has tripled in the past two years). But what's scary is that Spain is one step below the US on an economic scale and that means our shit is just beginning. Still, life goes on, I guess, and while the people here have a name for what's happening and it's definitely a topic of conversation, they keep doing what they do.

Well, I'm going to go food/homework/siesta. I'll update you with more fun cultural anecdotes later.


  1. Classes started for us today. It makes me wish even more I was in Spain with you. Tell us more about your classes!!
